Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Building a College List

One of the first critical steps in the college application is deciding where to apply. What are you looking for in your colleges? This is a very personalized process. Below are some examples of criteria that may help you decide what types of college area good fit for you:

- Public or Private
- Tuition
- Majors offered on campus
- Location of campus (rural, urban, suburban)
- Size of campus (large = 10k or more, medium = between 5k and 10k, small = 5k or less)
- Size of classrooms
- Student to Teacher ratio
- Demographic of campus
- Housing
- Clubs/Extracurricular Activities
- Collegiate sports or Intramural sports
- Academic Resources
- Research/Internship opportunities
- Financial Aid/Scholarship opportunities
- Religion
- Accessible transportation on/around campus
- Safety
- Liberal Arts or a specific type of training (such as Art school)
- Campus culture (liberal, conservative, traditional, non-conforming, etc)
- Single Sex campuses
- Distance from home (most of you are thinking as far away as possible but what if you want to come home for a weekend? Think about the logistics about getting to/from your respective college - especially if you're in a rural campus on the east coast in the dead of winter...)
- What are my chances of getting in? Be sure to have a balanced list of colleges, meaning some will be a reach, some will be right on target, and some you're confident you'll get an acceptance letter.

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