Thursday, April 16, 2009

Good School


I'm always baffled by this statement. What does "good school" mean?

Is there such a thing as a bad school? I doubt it.

Is there such a thing as a bad fit? Absolutely.

How does one define "good school"?
To some, defining a "good school" is solely based on rankings and reputation. Oftentimes if a school is well known students will apply. In 2008, UCLA received over 55,000 freshman applications. They admitted 12,660 freshman and about 4,700 enrolled. Why is it that historically UCLA is the most popular college to apply to? Look at their reputation: great weather, great sports, great academics. If these criteria are important to you, why wouldn't you apply?

For others a "good school" might be the unique academic curriculum. For example, Colorado College offers block scheduling (e.g., you take one class at a time. Each class is about 3.5 weeks long). Students that are in block scheduling programs would agree that it works for their style of learning. If your learning style is similar, this might be an important academic fit in your college search.

Not sure where or how to start? College Match: A Blueprint for Choosing the Best School for You is loaded with worksheets and exercises to help you define your interests. The book will not tell you where to apply, but that is where a college counselor can help.

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