Sunday, April 19, 2009

It takes a community to educate a child

They say it takes a village to raise a child. I'd go even further to say it takes a community to educate a child. Education is vital in keeping our country and its people a powerful force in this world. Education should not be a privliedge for those who can afford it but rather an opportunity for all, regardless of socioeconomic status.

After reading this article about nine universities receiving over $45 million in anonymous donations, and am reminded that even in the worst of economic times, there are people in our communities who continue to believe in the power of education and in the belief that ALL should have the opportunity to pursue higher education.

We'll probably never find out who these donors are (or perhaps it was just one donor?), but think of the impact they have made to these nine campuses and to the students who will benefit from their generous donations.

As an advocate for education, I can only hope that others will be inspired and give back to their local universities and to their communities. Not all donations need be monetary. Volunteering your time is just as valuable and every community needs help.

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